Your bike is a chance to chase down the horizon, explore the open road, or even just commute efficiently. These compact machines are light and fast to keep costs down and speeds up, but that comes with drawbacks. To help you avoid one of those drawbacks, “speed wobbles,” we here at Langston Motorsports have put together a few riding tips. If you have any questions, or you’re in need of a new motorcycle, contact us at our store in Perris, California, today!

What Is A Speed Wobble?

Also called a tank slapper or motorcycle headshake, this delightfully-named phenomenon isn’t as much fun as it sounds. It refers to when your handlebars start twisting back and forth wildly, which can happen when you accelerate, do wheelies, or hit a bump or pothole at high speeds. Essentially, if the front wheel hits the road at the wrong angle, the handlebars will oscillate.


Wobbles can start at either the rear or front of the bike, though at the back it’s more commonly called fishtailing. Aside from the situations mentioned above, other common causes for speed wobbles are:

  • High speed. Some models of motorcycle will develop a speed wobble if they hit speeds they weren’t designed for.
  • Worn-out wheel bearings
  • Too much movement in the swingarm

Most speed wobbles start at around 75 mph or higher, though if your bike has a mechanical problem like worn bearings, it can start at speeds as low as 45 mph.

How To Handle A Speed Wobble

Light wobbles are easy enough to correct with a firm, calm hand, but lock-to-lock speed wobbles can be incredibly dangerous. Tapping the brake lightly can slow the bike, though it can also add to the wobble. This is a valuable trade-off, however, since the bike will keep moving in the direction it was heading when the wobble began—slowing down is the first step to regaining control. 

However, if it looks like you’re heading towards a crash, your best bet is most likely to bail, so long as you can land relatively safely.

Avoiding Wobbles

Obviously, the number one preventative method is to do regular maintenance checks. Checking the suspension, aerodynamics, steering dampening, wheels, and bearings can show you developing problems before they become disasters. 

Researching your bike model can also show you if that particular motorcycle has a tendency to wobble, what speeds it happens at, and what (if any) mechanical problems most often lead to it.

We hope this guide keeps you and your bike safe and intact! If you want to know more, or you want to browse our inventory of motorcycles for sale, contact us at Langston Motorsports. We proudly serve the people of Temecula and Orange County, California—let us serve you today!