A little preparedness can spare you a lot of worry and bother. It’s peak riding season and motorcyclists everywhere are traversing America’s highways on their bikes, looking for new adventures and beautiful vistas. Before you head out on the open road, it really pays to make sure that your motorcycle is equal to the task by doing some preemptive maintenance and preparation. You don’t want to get caught with a flat from riding on balding tires or have a chain slip when it should have been tightened.

Langston Motorsports, located in Perris, California, is your local motorcycle dealership. We’ve provided this handy checklist of tips to help you get ready for your next motorcycle trip with a thorough pre-trip inspection.


The tires of your motorcycle support you and make contact with the road, so it’s important to keep them in great shape at all times. Check the tire pressure before every ride to ensure that both tires are up to the manufacturer’s specified pressure standards. When you’re checking the pressure, look for uneven pressure or wear between the two tires, balding or objects that could be embedded in the treads. Don’t ride on tires that are worn down or that seem to have some flaw -- get them repaired or replaced as soon as possible.


There are a number of vital engine components that rely on a steady supply of fluids to function properly. You’ll want to make sure to fill your fuel tank before you depart and top off oil, coolant and brake fluid. Look for leaks, which can mean inspecting the pavement under your parked bike for puddles. Check your oil quality regularly with the dipstick and change it as often as your owner’s guide recommends. Anything that seems amiss that you can’t address yourself should be seen to by a mechanic.

Brakes, Clutch & Throttle

Check the front and rear brake pads for signs of heavy wear that could necessitate replacement. Test how your brakes feel on a quick test drive; if the tension feels off or they don’t brake how you’re used to, then get them inspected by a professional.

Check your clutch to see that it’s operating well and switching gears smoothly. Grinding means that the clutch isn’t fully engaging, which also means a trip to the shop. Check that your throttle responds well and doesn’t idle in high gear, which could mean it’s not fully closing while you ride.

Sprockets & Chains

The drive chain on your motorcycle needs lubrication and the tension adjusted prior to each ride. Secure all your chains, nuts, bolts and cables as is appropriate.


Your lights are vitally important, for both signalling to other drivers and for seeing when it’s dusk or dark out. Make sure every light is in great shape: high beams, low beams, turn signals, running lights and brake lights. Check these before you leave unless you want to get a ticket!

Riding Gear

Finally, you should always ride wearing the appropriate riding gear that will keep you protected in case you have an accident. A helmet is the most important piece of your gear, with either a visor or goggles to protect your face and eyes. Your clothes should be durable and strong, and a one-piece riding suit can work well for this. Gloves and strong boots will help you stay safe while you ride. We recommend bringing along a small repair kit as well as a first aid kit to address any problems with your bike or any injuries or illnesses you might sustain on the road.

Looking for the perfect bike for summer riding? Come down to our Perris dealership to see our full selection of new and used motorcycles by all the top brands. Langston Motorsports serves the cities of Temecula, Riverside and San Bernardino, California.